Bericht: Re: Project Saksen
Gewijzigd door: Lolke
Wijzigingsdatum: 13 juli 2021 11:36
Re: Project Saksen
Deze bron al gezien?
8) Interfuso oceano ibi manent Saxones
agiles et cor durati et in armis validi,
Scridifinni et Frisones valentque16 piratici.
And there where the Ocean streams, there live the Saxons, quick, hardened and skilled with weapons, and the Scridifinns and the Frisians – and they are all feared as pirates.
Versus de Asia, between 635-637
Wordt [url=https://frisiacoasttrail.blog/2020/10/29/it-all-began-with-piracy/?fbclid=IwAR3IsuOkR1WMuXYtSLtHTc2hmL6r54lmlvrWFJ8PS0ULvwkFrYEGwQedGbs]hier[/url] genoemd. En de latijnse tekst [url=https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783486754360-003/html]hier[/url]
Gewijzigd door: Lolke
Wijzigingsdatum: 13 juli 2021 11:35
Re: Project Saksen
Deze bron al gezien?
8) Interfuso oceano ibi manent Saxones
agiles et cor durati et in armis validi,
Scridifinni et Frisones valentque16 piratici.
And there where the Ocean streams, there live the Saxons, quick, hardened and skilled with weapons, and the Scridifinns and the Frisians – and they are all feared as pirates.
Versus de Asia, between 635-637
Wordt [url=https://frisiacoasttrail.blog/2020/10/29/it-all-began-with-piracy/?fbclid=IwAR3IsuOkR1WMuXYtSLtHTc2hmL6r54lmlvrWFJ8PS0ULvwkFrYEGwQedGbs]hier[/url] genoemd. En de latijnse tekst [url=https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783486754360-003/html[/url]
Originele bericht
Auteur: Lolke
Datum: 13 juli 2021 10:49
Re: Project Saksen
Deze bron al gezien?
And there where the Ocean streams, there live the Saxons, quick, hardened and skilled with weapons, and the Scridifinns and the Frisians – and they are all feared as pirates.
Versus de Asia, between 635-637
Wordt [url=https://frisiacoasttrail.blog/2020/10/29/it-all-began-with-piracy/?fbclid=IwAR3IsuOkR1WMuXYtSLtHTc2hmL6r54lmlvrWFJ8PS0ULvwkFrYEGwQedGbs]hier[/url] genoemd